attic insulation

The roof structure is a wholeness, which usually consists of a load-bearing structure, air/vapour barrier, heat insulation, waterproofing and functioning ventilation. Insulating the flat roof with blown-in insulation is fast, profitable and effective. Shapeless blown-in insulation fills even small gaps and holes, enabling a seamless, well-insulated insulation layer. Properly implemented Termex Cellulose insulation effectively insulates heat throughout the life cycle of the building.
Open, or loft, attic refers to a ventilated roof structure where is a sufficient passage space above the insulation space under the water ceiling. Insulation is installed freely by blowing into the insulation space. The lower surface of the insulation is limited to the air barrier layer and the upper surface to the ventilation space. The lower rafters of the roof trusses remain inside the insulation. When blown dry, the insulation contains a settlement allowance. Sidox™ installations do not settle.
Closed cavity roof refers to the insulation space bounded by the beam or roof truss structure. Insulation is installed in the insulation space as dense blowing between beams/roof trusses. The lower surface of the insulation is limited to the air barrier layer and the upper surface to the wind protection board. The sides of the insulated space must be closed. Filling happens down from the top of the cavity. The blowing pressure compacts the fibers (≥42 kg/m3) so that they do not settle.
Sidox® keeps the insulation in place. The wind does not move the insulation and the insulation keeps its shape. The advantages arise from the new and advanced installation method, in which the fibers are tied to each other and to the structures with a solidifying agent added to the insulation. During installation, the fibers are attached to each other, forming an uniform light insulating mass.
After installing Sidox®, there are no seam leaks that are typical of board insulation. Sidox® guarantees permanent, seamless and tight insulation.
Sidox® installation technology can also be used to insulate walls and partition walls – an excellent way to additionally insulate, for example, a log wall, because the insulation fibers attach to each other and to structures, filling small holes and gaps seamlessly.
Sidox® is protected trademark of Termex-Eriste Oy